


A tool for finding families under selection in transcriptomes

Molecular evolution of sperm proteins in Danaus butterflies

Research from an NSF REU internship at KU, summer 2015.

Prescribed burining effects on fitness in wandering spider populations

An example of using the in-built project page.

Water quality near landfill with coal ash

My first summer research project.


A deep learning approach to classifying venom proteins

Selected Publications

FUSTr provides a useful tool for novice bioinformaticians to characterize the molecular evolution of organisms throughout the tree of life using large transcriptomic biodiversity datasets and can utilize multi-processor high-performance computational facilities.
In PeerJ, 2018

Recent Publications

FUSTr provides a useful tool for novice bioinformaticians to characterize the molecular evolution of organisms throughout the tree of …

FUSTr provides a useful tool for novice bioinformaticians to characterize the molecular evolution of organisms throughout the tree of …

Fire-suppressed forests in Oak Mountain State Park (OMSP; Shelby County, AL) have undergone experimental prescribed burning as a means …

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An example talk using Academic’s Markdown slides feature.

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Tutorial for BIOL 6210 (Applied Pylogentics)

Tutorial for bioinformatics pipelines

R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For …